  I know Portal 2 is an older game but I just got into first person shooter if you read some of my past blogs. This game is funny, unique, and extremely hard to stop playing. A friend of mine gave this game to me as a gift since he was wanting to play co-op with someone. I'm so glade he picked me because I can't seem to stop playing this game. Now enough of me talking about how good the game is because I'm sure you want to know more about this game. Let us get started. 

  First of all I started out with the co-op play with my friend. Going through level after level I was mostly along for the ride. I was still try to understand the game. Finding how the portals work and finding out that this is a true co-op game. You really have to have a good partner that will help you or you can just forget about progressing. You have to listen to each other because one of you might be on the other side of a wall and you have to help them get to where you're at. I haven't even mentioned how funny the social actions are between the two robots. There is just a ton of great content in the co-op play alone. 

  Getting to the solo play it has a great story in place and keeps you on the edge of your chair. You're going to only have a portal gun so you can't just attack things. That's not what Portal 2 is about. The game is really about avoiding damage and solving the puzzles that lay in front of you. Your character starts out in a room and you are waking up and just finding out that facility you are in has pretty much been destroyed. You're are going to have to go through the many test that are in the facility to get out alive. Hopefully you don't die along the way. All in all Portal 2 has been a lot of fun and interesting game play. So if you love puzzles that will completely turn you on your head Portal 2 may be the game for you.


  I have had a few friends ask me about free games that they could play. There are tons of free games out there that you can play for free. The only thing with free games like this is there normally only going to be MMO type games. I'm going to go over a few things about these types of games, where to find them, and what games I think are the best in my opinion.

  First of all let us talk about the type of games you will see in this free to play genre. The kind of games are more like World of Warcraft don't get me wrong WoW is not free. These are games called MMORPG which are more for role playing gamers. Not to worry though there are free games out there that are shooters, action, and more. You will just have to look around to find them. I will explain this more.

Guild Wars 2
  As for finding these free games you are going to want to know a few things. Most importantly is how balanced the game is. For example you might find a game that looks really good but on the turn side the game is very unbalanced. How a free game can be unbalanced is from item malls ( shops in game that you use real currency ) sell equipment to players that has stats on them and are not just cosmetic. This is what we call a Pay to Win type of game. My favorite place to hunt down games like this is mmohut.com a website that reviews tons of these free to play games. They also let you know more of the balanced and unbalanced games.

SWTOR It's Free
  As for some of my favorite and well balanced games that are free to play I'm about to go over them. The number 1 best free to play in my opinion is SWTOR ( Star Wars the Old Republic ). This game is full of great story, action, and customization. It has a very well balanced system in the item mall. If you pay for two months of the subscription it unlocks action bars and a few others. But you never have to pay again after that. You can stay free to play and it still has tons to offer unlike many of the other free to play games out there. You can also download the game entirely free from SWTOR's main website. If you want to read more on SWTOR or download it please check the links at the bottom of this article because I provide there main website.

APB Reloaded It's Free go shoot things
  My next game in the line up is for you shooters out there. APB Reloaded is a well balanced game the item mall offers gear that you can get in the game by just playing it. Some of the guns are only 10 days when you buy them with in game currency not real currency. APB Reloaded also host some of the best customization ever seen in an online game. You can customize tattoos, characters, clothes, cars, and more. The customization is really up to you on how far you want to go with it because you can make just about anything you want. This game is free to download and free to play. If you want to read more on APB Reloaded or download it please check the links at the bottom of this article because I provide there main website.

Guild Wars 2 Buy the Core game and play free
  The last game I would suggest is Guild Wars 2 it's not a completely free to play game because you do have to buy the core game from a retailer but you do not have to pay per month like World of Warcraft. If you are willing to pay for the core game this is probably one of the most well balanced games in the free to play genre. There is a lot to do in this game and it pushes out some very nice graphics, gameplay, and decent story. Also Guild Wars 2 provides a very fun concept in the face that world events are always happening and you can join up with people fairly quickly to take on these type of events. Again if you are interested and want to read more about this game or buy the core game please check the links at the bottom of this article because I provide there main website and a link to where you can buy the core game. Also if you check below the links I will have Trailers for SWTOR, APB Reloaded, and Guild Wars 2.

  • SWTOR - ( Main Website and you can download from there page )
  • APB Reloaded - ( Main Website and you can download from there page )
  • Guild Wars 2 - ( Main Website )
  • Guild Wars 2 - ( Where you can buy the game )
  • MMOHUT - ( Browse tons of free games and read more on them )


  Now you want to play an open world game with survival. Have I got a game for you then. Far Cry 3 is a first person shooter and if you're normally a person that loves third person view don't worry. I used to play nothing but third person games until I played Far Cry 3. This game offers tons of things to do and it was compared to Skyrim. I never thought it was Skyrim with guns until I actually played the game. That quote is right on the money because Far Cry 3 lets you do what you want when you want. 

  As I played in Far Cry 3 I was happy to see plenty of unforgettable characters, land areas, and more. This open world is full of things to do and have fun with for hours on end. I haven't even mentioned yet how deep and intriguing the story is. I mean the first guy you come in contact with is freaky and will really make you wonder how crazy he is. You start out jumping from a plane and landing on an island that has stone cold killers on it. However your character is not any kind of experienced fighter and will have to learn quick. That makes this game a lot of fun since you have to truly build your character from the beginning.

  One of my most favorite moments in the game was simply not expecting a tiger to jump on me while I was scoping out a enemy base. It was exciting because I quickly had to take him out but I had to do it without making a sound. If I made a sound I knew I was dead because the enemies at the base would have hared me. This moment was so unexpected and from there on out I kept playing and couldn't stop. Hints this is why there are so many Far Cry 3 memes in our gallery


PS4 Vs Xbox 720 Who is going to Win???

Watch Dogs also new gen and old gen game
  PS4 and Xbox 720 are right around the corner. I probably won't be able to afford them but hey why not talk about them. So if you haven't watched the video above we are asking you what system do you think is going to come out on top? Both systems are looking very impressive with some very nice graphics and there holding the same price tags from what we've hared. 

Final Fantasy New Gen game
  The gaming world is getting bigger and bigger. I just wonder with these new systems are we also going to see some type of Virtual Realty in them. Now Xbox 360 did seem to win against the PS3 simply due to the fact it was released before time and its price tag wasn't so hefty. I kept playing my PS3 and noticed so many times when I asked a friend what system they had it was an Xbox 360. So all in all it just seems the Xbox 360 did very good for itself. 

New Gen Game
  With the new systems we may see more of a fair fight between them since there supposedly coming out at the same time. Also they seem to have about the same graphics as each other. If you're wondering why I kept Nintendo out of this match it's simply because the Nintendo systems are not really the leader in gaming industries anymore. They still have the lead on hand held systems though. I would like to see them make a come back but as kid friendly as they are it's very hard seeing them sport something for the more mature audience  When they do sport mature games it's very few and far between.


Lara Croft is Back
  Tomb Raider (2013) is a new adventure out of the Tomb Raider series. The difference here is they have completely rebooted the series. From jumping to cliffs to solving many puzzles they have really managed to remake this game in an entire new light. Gameplay is more based off of survival now and really has that feel of excitement in it. This new Tomb Raider did wonderful with the way Lara Croft grows in the game. It's more of a role playing adventure experience mix into surviving the wild.

Dude back up we just meet
  You will find yourself building up your weapons because they added a system for customizing the weapons now. Having to go around and collect the scrap metal and things was a new and fun thing to see in the Tomb Raider series. Not to mention you will be doing customization on how you play as well. Because Lara can learn tons of things from how to fight better to surviving the wild. There is just a ton of things present in this game that many of the other games seem to lack in. 

Wow, was you looking at the building or her butt lol
  Story hasn't gone missing in this game because you will find all kinds of twists around every corner. Starting of you are on you way to an island that has never been found before. Things soon go extremely bad for the crew since the ship ends up in what looks like the storm of the century. As for much more on the story line I really don't want to give out to much since there are so many twists and it could spoil it for you. 

Lara Sporting her killing bow
  It's safe to say if you get this game you will more than likely have a lot of fun. I know I did and I only got about 50% into the game before my Playstation 3 had the yellow light of death. I had the old fat system so it was bound to happen. I just realized I didn't mention the graphics but do I really need to mention them just look at the pictures and video. I believe they speak for themselves. 


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